Mickey goes to work for Fashion icon Paul Johnson, one of the two top Designers in NYC. The other is Sandy Johnson, another Designer who will stop at nothing including murder to guarantee victory. A runway exhibition has been scheduled for the two to compete in and find out who truly is the best Johnson. Mickey will be Paul’s top model, and Sandy has found a homeless person nicknamed Kung Fu Master to show his line.
In addition to getting his new line in place, Paul Johnson is also buying chain saws, the louder the better, to put the special in this special event.
Did you know that you can’t be sentenced to prison if actively seeking help at a mental facility? Paul Johnson knows this.
Somewhere between the girls, counting Vicodin pills, and show preparation Mickey has grown a conscience and no longer likes what he sees. He believes (and his psychiatrist agrees) that he has the power to change what’s happening around him.
Days before the show Kung Fu Master turns up dead and there is an attempt on Mickey’s life. After a brief period of unconsciousness Mickey is back, is told that Juanita and brother Cheeks are now also dead and that he must continue with the show. After all, what would Steven Tyler do?
The night of the show is laced with celebrities and models on the runway as well as one particular popular day-time talk show host that may or may not be murdered on the runway.
In the end only one Johnson will walk away, although this is temporary as Mickey has the last word.
Right before he pops his last Vicodin.
Genre - Literary Fiction, Humor, Dark Comedy, Transgressive
Format - Ebook & Print
Publisher - Offense Mechanisms - An Imprint of Silverthought Press
Released - December 1, 2011
Website - http://www.bloodthenewred.com
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March 20 - Guest Blogging at Mass Musings
March 22 - Reviewed at Books, Books, & More Books
March 27 - Interviewed at Writing Innovations E-zine
March 29 - Author Spotlight at This Author's Life
April 2 - Interviewed at From The Mind of Omegia
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April 6 - Guest Blogging at BooK ReviewS
April 10 - Reviewed at Waiting on Sunday to Drown
April 12 - Interviewed at Immortality and Beyond
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April 16 - Author Spotlight & Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner
April 18 - Guest Blogging at Wise Words
April 20 - Guest Blogging with Cindy Vine
April 24 - Reviewed at Ereading on the Cheap
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April 30 - Interviewed at BK Media Entertainment 6:30pm EST
May 2 - Twitter Fiesta
May 4 - Interviewed by Louise James
May 8 - Review & Interviewed at Books Are Cool
May 10 - Reviewed by S.W.A.K.R.