What do the following have in common: a muntjac deer, a toilet, and a hairless cat? They are three key factors in uncovering a treasure that may or may not exist. But for Abby and Jamie Patterson, these items are essential ingredients to fulfilling their grandfather's greatest desire. Is the fortune real, or are the siblings following a path to nowhere as set down by an eccentric old woman? The quest is on, and time is running out.
Publisher: A Word Fitly Spoken Press
Genre: Middle-grade Mystery
Release Date: March 2012
Website: http://DanaRongione.com
Purchase Link: http://www.amazon.com/The-Delaware-Detectives-Dana-Rongione/dp/1470007460/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1334771853&sr=8-2
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May 22 - Meet & Greet at VBT Cafe' Blog
May 24 - Reviewed & Interviewed at Books Are Cool
May 30 - Guest Blogging & Review at Loves 2 Read
May 31 - Guest Blogging at This Author's Life
June 2 - Reviewed at Books, Books, and More Books
June 5 - Guest Blogging at AZ Publishing Services
June 7 - Interviewed at MK McClintock's Blog
June 11 - Interviewed & Reviewed at A Book Lover's Library
June 13 - Interviewed at BK Walker Books Etc.
June 15 - Guest Blogging with Cindy Vine
June 19 - Interviewed at Unnecessary Musings
June 21 - Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner
June 26 - Interviewed at Hardcover Feedback
June 28 - Interviewed at Reviews & Interviews