Publisher: Darling Propaganda LLC
Release Date: Feb 2013
Amazon | Barnes and Noble
Book Description:
Glitter is about the female sexual experience, which contrary to what the media would have you believe, is not all bubble baths and chick flicks.
Women are constantly judged as slutty, or uptight, but the reality is somewhere in between those two, and sometimes, nowhere near either. We have secret shames and private desires and we all feel we are the only one.
We are good church-going girls with a fondness for the paddle, PTA moms who hire escorts, feminists who like to bottom in the bedroom, slutty virgins, bi-curious married laddies and women with a past. We are gay, straight, and undecided.
We are all over the map, and we are amazing.

Mona Darling aka Dead Cow Girl, spent close to twenty years as an A-list professional dominatrix before becoming a D-list mommy blogger. After spending many years traveling the world being told that she is fabulous, she now spends her days being told she doesn’t drive fast enough by her three-year-old son.
Dead Cow Girl was a nickname she received in grade school after a humiliating morning involving a mobile butcher and a school bus. She chose to use that name to reclaim the part of her that spent much of her childhood red-faced with shame, embarrassed for her unique childhood. She also likes it because it is readily available on nearly every social media platform.
She writes, sporadically, about food, sex and toddler-related mayhem at DeadCowGirl.com.
Website | Blog | Facebook | Glitter Facebook | Twitter | Google + | Goodreads
Giveaway: Reviewers choice to giveaway an ebook on their blog (your blog, your rules)
One paperback will be given away each week
Three Glitter Girl Magnets
Glitter Girl Belt Buckle
Glitter Girl Walk of Shame Bag (small makeup bag)
June 10 - Introduction at VBT Cafe' Blog
June 11 - Interviewed at Alana Munro's Blog
June 13 - Interviewed at Author Rose Wynter's Blog
June 17 - Guest Blogging at Changing Face of Publishing
June 19 - Reviewed at Notebook of Books
June 19 - Reviewed at Kayla on Books
June 21 - Interviewed at BK Walker Books Etc.
June 25 - Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner
June 29 - Review & Interview at Writers With Books
July 2 - Interviewed at Black Coffee, Brown Cow
July 4 - Guest Blogging at Bikers With Books
July 8 - Review & Guest Blogging at Cindy Vine's Blog
July 10 - Guest Blogging at Wise Words Book Blogger
July 12 - Author Fun Facts & Favorite Recipe at Writing Innovations E-zine
July 16 - Review & Guest Blogging at Where Fantasy Meets Reality
July 18 - Author To Author Marketing at BookIt! BK
July 22 - Guest Blogging at Mass Musings
July 24 - Spotlight at VBTC Authors On Tour
July 26 - Review & Guest Blogging at From The Mind of Omegia
July 29 - Spotlight at The Avid Reader
July 31 - Spotlight at Bikers With Books
August 1 - Reviewed at BK Walker Books
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