What is a Book Bonanza?
A one day promotion of a FREE ebook on Amazon.com. March 22, Natalie will offer Antique Charming for free. We are just going to help make people aware that it's free on this day. In becoming a Sponsor, you can help us move Natalie up in the rankings by spreading the word.
Join the celebration, add your blog to the linky below, grab the sponsor badge below, place in your sidebar and link it back to this page, or grab the linky code below and do a pre-bonanza post inviting others to join us.
March 22 - Posts Need To Be Live March 22 at Midnight.
Change your Facebook Profile Picture to the above Promo Ad.
Use the Promo Ad in a blog post and share that the book will be FREE this day at Amazon.
Make sure the Amazon Link or Affiliate Book Badge is in your post.
Help us promote it via your social networks - Twitter, Facebook, Triberr, Author/Reading Groups, Etc throughout the day.
Use the Linky to go to the other blogs, comment, and share their posts too.
Like & Agree with the tags for Antique Charming on Amazon.
When Tweeting, use hashtag - #antiquecharming to help us track tweets.
Let's have fun and help Natalie celebrate her FREE book, Antique Charming!