PRAISE for Rachel Thompson and The Mancode: Exposed...
I absolutely just love the work of Rachel Thompson. Not only is she an amazing person, her writing is witty, humorous, and OMG Brilliant! Where the heck does she come up with this stuff?
~BK Walker, bkwalkerbooks.com
As a long time warrior in the Battle of the Sexes, I would have won a lot more skirmishes had I had a copy of the Mancode in my saddle. Reaching back towards my shotgun, I would have found this book instead. Instead of shooting the man, I could have said, "Stop acting like a man!"
Get smart: Buy the Mancode and stop wasting bullets.
~Beth Wareham, former senior editor at Simon & Schuster, publishing consultant
Is it possible to truly expose men?
Men, women, sex, love, stereotypes. Important world topics like garages, lingerie, and um, chocolate? It's a melting pot (okay, now you're just getting hungry)...
But more than that, it's about all the levels in which we communicate...viewed through Thompson's looking glass of humor and deconstructed with her special brand of snark.
Thompson explores controversial questions like: <ul><li>Can we outrun our DNA? </li><li>Will we women always be slaves to our talkative nature (après sex)? </li><li>Will men never be free of the chains of emotional withholding? </li><li>Can we transfer man's paper towel changing abilities from garage to kitchen? </li></ul>
"Women see a man scratching his stuff and want to run away. Quickly. Men see a woman rearranging her breasts, he's mesmerized. Imagine that."
I have this theory, based on too many martinis one night, that women speak in circles and men speak in points. #thinkaboutit MORE PRAISEFinally! A woman who gets what I'm going through every day, from that whole spitting thing to my deep, abiding love for chocolate. Well done!
~Amber Scott, author of #1 bestselling books IRISH MOON, FIERCE DAWN & WANTED
'Mancode: Exposed' is a scathingly funny, rapid fire and heartfelt look at guys. Author Rachel Thompson delivers a satirical piece that invokes strong shades of Penny Marshall and Seth MacFarlane.
~Casey Ryan, Host & Creator, Cutting Room FloorAgree or disagree, Thompson will have you laughing! BUY IT!
Read and see for yourself!
***Can't get enough of Rachel's snarky humor? Purchase A Walk In The Snark, her #1 bestselling humorous and at times, poignant collection of essays which hit #1 on the Kindle Motherhood list EIGHT times so far this year!
***Want to learn more about self-publishing, eBooks, and social media? Pick up Dollars & Sense: The Definitive Guide to Self-Publishing Success, cowritten by Rachel Thompson, Carolyn McCray and Amber Scott!
***Want something completely different? Check out the horror anthology The Evil Within just released October, 2011! All the stories are reallllly scaaaarrry. Rachel's is titled There Are No Monsters. Boo.
***Want to learn about Rachel's experience with self-publishing? Check out Our Indie Experience (An Indie Book Collective Anthology), released November, 2011! The good, the bad, and the searingly honest. Rachel's tip: hire an editor, a proofreader, AND a formatter. Want to learn more? Buy the book!
December 13 - Kick Off at VBT Cafe' Blog
December 15 - Interviewed at Writing Innovations
December 20 - Interviewed at Reviews & Interviews
December 22 - Interviewed at From The Mind of Omegia
December 24 - Reviewed at BK Walker Books Etc
December 26 - Review & Guest Blogging with Cindy Vine
December 28 - Reviewed & Interviewed at Ink-Puddle
December 30 - Guest Blogging at From The TBR Pile
January 2 - (Happy Birthday) - Reviewed at Alchemy of Scrawl
January 2 - Interviewed at BK Media Entertainment 2pm EST
January 5 - Reviewed at E-Reading on the Cheap
January 10 - Review & Guest Blogging at Jersey Girl Book Reviews
January 11 - Guest Blogging at Mad Moose Mama
January 14 - Reviewed at S.W.A.K.R.
January 14 - Review & Guest Blogging at All Things Books
January 15 - Interview with Brenda Woody & Steve Tindle