Publisher: Silver Tongue Press
Release Date: December 13, 2012
The Nightingale in the Garden blurb:
Continue the tale from A Gift for a Mouse when Thomas sneaks to the Garden of Gethsemane to find out the rest of the story. He learns from the very bird that witnesses the strangest events that fateful night. He finds out how the man his grandfather had met really was betrayed and taken to be killed. The story was more than a story. It was a life changing experience for a small bird

Publisher: CreateSpace
Released:November 3, 2012
Illustrator:Reinhart Scherbarth Sr.
A Gift for a Mouse blurb:
What if you could see things with a whole new set of eyes? What if you could do that with The Last Supper? Follow the adventures of a little mouse who is present at the famous meal and witnesses everything that happens. He has no idea who the people are or the significance of their actions and words. All he knows is what he sees and what he experiences.

You can find Rebecca all over the internet. She writes regularly for HubPages and other sites. You can read her authors blog atwww.rebeccagraf.com. Or you can follow tons of activity at A Book Lover's Library (www.abookloverslibrary.com) where she helps other authors spread the word about their works. The News in Books (www.thenewsinbooks.com) is another venture with a friend that pulls together announcements in the book world and shares them with followers. You'll never find this woman not being busy.
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This Tour Now Closed - Thank You
Signed paperback for each book will be given away at the end of the tour.
January 7 - Introduction at VBT Cafe' Blog
January 9 - Book Feature & Excerpt at So Many Precious Books, So Little Time
January 11 - Guest Blogging at Marketing Cafe'
January 14 - Reviewed at Books, Books, and More Books
January 16 - Book Feature & Excerpt at Bookalicious Travel Addict
January 18 - Review of A Gift For A Mouse at A Word Fitly Spoken
January 22 - Reviewed at The Stuff of Success
January 22 - Review at IndieWritersReview
January 23 - Nightingale Book Feature & Excerpt at Central Bargain Writers with Books
January 25 - Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner
January 28 - Review of A Gift For A Mouse & Guest Blogging at Books, Books, The Magical Fruit
January 30 - Review of Nightingale & Interview at Books, Books, The Magical Fruit
January 31 - Review of Nightingale at A Word Fitly Spoken