Publisher: Self-Published at CreateSpace
Release Date: September 1, 2013
Amazon - Coming Soon!
Book Description:
Do dark places bother you?
The space under your bed…
The closet, door slightly ajar…
Do you believe in the Boogey Man?
Who is he?
Where did he come from?
What does he want?
Maybe he has a story to tell,
And we should listen.

Interests: Reading (pretty much anything even the cereal box if nothing else is available), writing (all genres), family (wife and mother), growing in and spreading my faith, learning (information geek), travel (but I rarely ever get to), volunteering, bargain hunting at garage sales, thrift stores, flea markets, etc.
In one sentence, who am I? Stacie Morrell is an eccentrically entertaining neurotic bibliophile who sells collectibles, tries to have patience with her precocious daughter, fearlessly tries to do everything, and writes because she is driven to as part of her genetic composition.
If I could go back and do one thing over: I would have figured out what I wanted from life way before now and gone back to school to get it (much, much sooner than I did).
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September - October
Any date you have open
Giveaway: 2 Ebooks, 1 Signed paperback
September 2 - Reviewed at 4 Covert 2 Overt, A Day In The Spotlight
September 3 - VBT Café Blog
September 3 - Reviews & Interviews
September 4 - Reviewed at The Dreaming Dilettante
September 6 - Reviewed at 3 Partners In Shopping, Nana, Mommy & Sissy Too!
September 8 - Bookalicious Traveladdict
September 10 - Reviewed at Deal Sharing Aunt
September 13 - Reviewed at Storytime Books
September 17 - Mungai and the Boa Constrictor
September 20 - Writing Innovations Ezine
September 24 - Black Coffee, Brown Cow
October 6 - Reviewed at Brooke Blogs
October 8 - Lori's Reading Corner
October 10 - Rose & Beps Blog
October 15 - BK Walker Books Etc.
October 18 - VBTC Authors On Tour
October 20 - Reviewed at Only God Can Make A Tree
October 26 - Reviewed at Sacred Legacy Reviews
October 29 - Reviewed at Dalene's Book Reviews
October 31 - Mass Musings
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