What is the foundation underpinning success in all areas of life? Is there a blueprint? What if you learned that your beliefs were the very cornerstones that supported success, and that having a few of these could give rise to success in some areas while complete failure in others? Would you choose to build a stronger overall foundation?
Very few people today doubt the power of positive thinking. We all know that if we expect to fail, then failure is inevitably what we get, and there is also the issue of the mind/body connection—science is repeatedly demonstrating the power of mind and belief to heal. What you believe can and does have a huge impact on the quality of your life—from success in business to success in relationships, from your ability to learn and master new subjects to your ability to heal your own body. But have you ever stopped to consider your own beliefs—to truly examine them and decide for yourself if they are serving you or sabotaging you?
Chapter 1: The Power of Belief: Who Am I ?
Belief influences almost everything in your life, from your DNA to the operation of your endocrine and immune systems; from your emotional well-being to the stability of your mood states and attitudes; from your relationships with others to your relationship with yourself—in short, with literally every aspect of life?I believe your beliefs can empower your life or cripple your every hope and ambition. In the chapters that follow, we will examine different beliefs and how they might influence our realities. I am a simple outcome- oriented guy and so I will attempt to keep our focus on just that—how our beliefs influence the world we live in and the people we have become.
Genre - Self-Help
Format - Paperback
Publisher - Hay House
Release Date - March 13, 2012
Tour Closed - Thank You
March 6 - Meet & Greet at VBT Cafe' Blog
March 7 - Interviewed at BK Walker Books Etc.
March 8 - Guest Blogging at The Golden Pen
March 9 - Guest Blogging at Mass Musings
March 12 - Guest Blogging at Inkspots & Roses
March 13 - BLITZ DAY
March 14 - Interviewed at From the Mind of Omegia
March 15 - Guest Blogging at Ashley's Bookshelf
March 16 - Guest Blogging at Speculative Friction
March 19 - Interviewed at Writing Innovations Ezine
March 19 - Interviewed at BK Media Entertainment
March 20 - Guest Blogging at Rhodes Review
March 21 - Guest Blogging at Waiting on Sunday to Drown
March 23 - Guest Blogging at Books Are Cool
March 24 - Guest Blogging at Hire to Inspire
March 26 - Guest Blogging with Margaret West
March 27 - Interviewed at MK McClintock's Blog
March 28 - Interviewed at Reviews & Interviews
March 29 - Review & Interview at Black Diamonds Book Reviews
March 30 - Guest Blogging with Cindy Vine
April 2 - Interviewed at Dr. Ni's Notes & Nibbles
Blitz Sponsors for March 13
Hywela Lyn
It's All About Me
Ami Blackwelder
Margaret West
Dr. Niama
BK Walker Books Etc
Authors Promoting Authors
From the Mind of Omegia
Inkspots And Roses
Waiting on Sunday to Drown
Rhodes Review