Title: Icarus Falling: The True Story of a Nightclub Bouncer Who Wanted to Be a F#@king Movie Star But Settled for Being a F#@king Man
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services/CreateSpace
Release Date: 12/22/14
Buy Link(s):http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=icarus+falling
Book Description:
The true story of a failed actor, who - still tantalized by the promise of LA - reinvents himself as a nightclub bouncer. Working both downtown and on the Sunset Strip, he is thrust into the bloodstream of LA. Amidst the unending parade of strung-out transients, shimmering miniskirts, enraged gangbangers and unhinged party people, he avenges his history of cowardice, atones for his past infidelities and tries to become something better than another Hollywood casualty.
Twitter: ChristopherPaulMeyer @TheLoadedPen
Christopher Paul Meyer writes noir and nonfiction. He is a former bouncer, comic, soldier, firefighter, actor and prison chaplain. In addition to Icarus Falling, he has written five screenplays, three of which were optioned and/or commissioned. When not writing, he enjoys Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, improv comedy and political rants delivered in an angry mumble at his reflection in the bathroom mirror.
June 22 - Introduction at VBT Café Blog
June 22 - Spotlight at The Bridge of Deaths
June 23 - Spotlight at Inner Workings Of A Female Mind
June 23 - Reviewed at Virtual Hobby Store And Coffee Haus
June 24 - Reviewed at Paranormal Romance And Authors That Rock
July 27 - Spotlight at IndieWriterReviews
June 29 - Guest Blogging at Bellevue Book Reviews
June 29 - Spotlight at The Booksnake
June 29 - Spotlight at Defining Ways
June 30 - Interviewed at The Avid Reader
July 1 - Guest Blogging at Wise Words Book Blogger
July 2 - Guest Blogging at Infinite House Of Books
July 3 - Review & Guest Blogging at My Life, Loves, And Passions
July 5 - Spotlight at 4Covert2Overt
July 6 - Reviewed at Deal Sharing Aunt
July 7 - Spotlight at Fictional Real World
July 10 - Spotlight at Jody's Book Reviews
July 13 - Spotlight at My Book Tour
July 15 - Reviewed at Ogitchida Kwe's Book Blog
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