Publisher: Nordskog Publishing, Inc.
Release Date: Nov. 2016 (First edition/Collectors item)
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Book Description:
Truthmonger Comics, is a creative entity whose mission is to bring the much-needed messages of morality and spirituality to today's youth through the medium of comic books. Joining creator/editor/writer Art Greenhaw for this new line of Truthmonger Comics and its flagship title, God's Silver Soldiers, are superstar comic book artist Ben Dunn, writer Rebecca Dunn, and graphic designer Josh Knight. Truthmonger Comics is additionally inspired by Art's friend of many years and biggest literary influence, Stan Lee. Creator/editor/co-writer Art Greenhaw s comic book roots run deep, Art having enjoyed a 20 -year friendship with Stan Lee and a lifetime apprenticeship.
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May 2 - Spotlight at 3 Partners In Shopping - Nana, Mommy & Sissy Too
May 3 - Spotlight at Author CA Milson Blog
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May 12 - Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner
May 13 - Interviewed at SolaFide Publishing
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May 17 - Spotlight at Bringing You The Romance
May 18 - Reviewed at BookJunkieMom
May 19 - Reviewed at Booklove
May 25 - Guest Blogging at Lori's Reading Corner
June 23 - Spotlight at My Book Tour